Cod mw3 survival mode tips resistance
Cod mw3 survival mode tips resistance

cod mw3 survival mode tips resistance

This strategy could easily set you up to fail, but overall you should be fine if you do this right. You should start off by setting your turrets up down stairs, now if you use this as our escape route, obviously you have to be very careful, as this can easily hurt you. I tried a couple of strategies that i had hoped would work, and what i had ended up finding out was that the best way to group the enemy together was by camping on the stairway, so this is my strategy for Downturn. This is another map that i find is pretty tough when playing by yourself. You should spend 90% of your game in this dome, crouched, or prone, and the other 10% running on juggernaut rounds, or refilling ammo/equipment/kill streaks

cod mw3 survival mode tips resistance

On juggernaut rounds, i honestly suggest you move, unless you have the fire power, equipment, and riot team to hold down this area, in that case just lay into them and take them out fast, but from personal experience, i usually just ran and had everyone chase me, while i made my way to predator missiles, and circled the map taking troops out slowly, but steadily. It does not matter which way they face, but you should have two turrets that are facing one of the exits, while you watch the other exits. It does not matter which way they face, just remember that if that's your getaway strategy that the grenade turrets can put you down if you walk in from of a grenade(trust me i know). On this map the best thing to start with is placing the turrets facing one of the exits. This is by far the best strategy for you to follow as there are only two entrances, ammo box inside, and you can easily crouch, and stand behind object to avoid getting hit by bullets. On this map, you should be inside the dome if by yourself. So i put a lot of effort finding the best strategy that suited me for 1 person playing. Although Resistance seems to be the most popular since its the first one, this map has a lot of popularity, and this is where people originally suggested me making the solo player guide.

Cod mw3 survival mode tips resistance